Memory Mdyetseni’s 2018 Canadian Speaking Tour

For the next four weeks (September 26 to October 26, 2018), APU founder and director Memory Mdyetseni, will be travelling to meet with Canadian sponsors, donors, and APU champions to thank them for their incredible support over the past 12 years and to share the news of our ‘Finish The School’ campaign with the ultimate goal of achieving full independence and self sufficiency for APU by June 2021.

Accompanied and hosted by APU Malawi Education Foundation Directors, Memory will visit Lethbridge, Calgary, Edmonton, St. Albert, Grande Prairie, Dawson Creek, Victoria and Sooke. She will speak at Rotary, Rotaract and Interact Clubs, and schools that have a long history of supporting APU.

This tour will be our eighth Canadian Tour, stretching back to the early fundraising days in 2006! I’ve attached pictures of from some of the presentations Memory and I have made over the years. Our first tour together was in 2006, followed by 2008, 2010, 2014, 2016, and now 2018. Support for APU has largely been generated by sharing this story and dream in person to hundreds and thousands of people through the years. Our success lies largely in the power of sharing this incredible story, and we look forward to sharing it with you in person once again!

For more information on events, please contact APU-MEF Executive Director, Christie Johnson at

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