APU in the news: Christie Johnson’s presentation at the Canadian Club
APU Founder and Executive Director, Christie Johnson, shared the story of APU at the AGM meeting of the Canadian Club’s Victoria branch. Local CHEK News covered the story.
APU Founder and Executive Director, Christie Johnson, shared the story of APU at the AGM meeting of the Canadian Club’s Victoria branch. Local CHEK News covered the story.
There is a food crisis in Malawi. In response to the plight of extremely hungry families, APU has developed a project that will provide work—the building of a needed access road at the school—that will help families buy food. Your donation will be used for wages, which will enable these families to buy enough Read more about Food for Work funding started[…]
In 2013, APU had WASRAG – Water and Sanitation Rotarian Action Group – come to APU to advise us on how to improve our water system. They drilled a very deep well and also had a solar pump and panels installed. It is this system that is currently keeping APU going, but with the growth of Read more about Water Expansion Project[…]
Where could you see a teacher grab the back of a bike seat with his teeth, raise the bike in the air and carry it the length of the dining hall and back? and then if that isn’t astonishing enough, where could you find a student who could match this feat? Answer: at the APU Read more about Fun and Games at the APU Sports Day[…]
Leah, one of Lori Messer’s library assistants, showed this to her one day. Lori liked it so much she asked her for a copy. Work Towards Your Goals by Leah Phiri, APU student – Form 4 Your dreams are always yours Fulfillments in your own hands But if you want to live a regrettable life Play Read more about A poem by Leah Phiri[…]
Ferister Kachingwe Ferister graduated in 2014 and is pursuing a BSc in Horticulture at Bunda College. She is originally from Nsaru Trading Centre where APU is located. Looking forward to being “self-independent”‘ Ferister dreams of having her own business growing and selling fruits and vegetables and providing employment for other members of her community. She Read more about Meet the Grads[…]
Dinna Mwale assists Tama to find a book in the new Primary Library. The library is located in a storeroom off the main library which also houses a growing Teachers Resource Library. APU grads Dinna Mwale and Fydes Bosten have been volunteering in the library prior to beginning their next semester at Bunda College. In Read more about The Library and Primary School at APU[…]
South end of the building – which has the concrete poured and set. The supports look spindly but they are apparently really strong and can be reused. Here are some of the workers: This view is taken from the north end of the building looking south. A big load of supports arrived last week and Read more about Construction Update from Lori Messer in Malawi[…]
Eager to return to school From Lori Messer, volunteering at APU It was not long after the sun rose on Sunday, September 6th that the girls began to arrive and they were still coming as the red sun began to sink in the sky. A long, long day for APU staff. Almost every staff member Read more about The Girls are Back[…]
On Friday we went through the side gate of the school and into a different world. Memory and one of our sponsored girls visited the student’s home in Nsaru Trading Centre. Unfortunately her mother was not at home but we did meet her 9 year old brother and 3 year old adopted cousin (the daughter Read more about A Letter from APU-MEF Board member Lori Messer, at APU[…]